Have been thinking about lots today. I struggle to get motivated each day, with the side effects of Arimidex I'm needing to take to keep a secondary breast cancer (in my lower back) at bay. Feeling now like the medical system; because my two separate breast cancers needed mastectomies, chemo and scans, is now expecting me to be "magically better". Probably a bit harsh, just seems that the moment one is past the dangerous and very ill bit, "she'll be right now-run back to work:it's all good!"
Well, sorry, I need longer than that to recover. It's true what they say about who's most important and how your priorities change when you get cancer-totally! My workplace is indeed very supportive, but on their terms. I'm too weary to build up to my former hours in the time they expect. So I've decided to move back to Melbourne to be closer to my son and his little family. I mean, who could stay away from this cherubic child? (1st pic) . It seems that when one is single, one is "a bit different" from everyone else, and I find that some can be quite intolerant-dare I say threatened when I stick up for myself.
I'm rambling, I know-just that I'm over the pain. Joint pain associated with side effects of drug. Ya can't win! Can't stop taking it, or the bit in the back will start growing again. I guess I'd rather have the side effects.
I think about my family, my mother (last pic) and sisters, how much my son has grown from the tiny boy I gave birth to 30 years ago (3rd pic) and I really miss my dad, despite whinging about his way of the world far too much.
I "met" someone nice on here today too-meandering mother, who I hope will reply and follow. What a wonderful blog-inspired me to start again.
Going off now to do my sound meditation with my Tibetan bowl. More later.
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