Monday, November 7, 2011

Another sleepless night...

It's 1.10am and still I'm awake. Most annoying. Hot too-it's raining off and on and I have the bedroom window open, longing for a breeze that's just not there.

At least I went out today and returned a library book and did some shopping. Indulged and bought a couple of DVDs. One called The Tourist was absolutely brilliant. Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie interesting combination.

My friend dropped in on her way home from work, most amused to see I had moved my portable air conditioner into the living room already (it was"only" 25 degrees today). Well, that's it-should be in England: I can't stand warm weather! WHAT a strange Australian, they say!
I didn't call my mother earlier tonight as I was going to, and also didn't return a call from my friend John from an old workplace, who is also suffering serious illness-as I was thinking about him, he called again tonight to check I hadn't gone back to hospital. Thoughtful of him.

It's nice listening to the rain - just wish I could go to sleep. Watched Onegin today too-another special movie. Will try and go for a walk tomorrow-maybe that will help me sleep. Seem to have disturbed the sleeping pattern.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Things to be thankful for

How lucky I am to have such a wonderful support network of family, friends and organizations. Earlier this week I received a box of many delights from my two sisters: a piece of our mothers 80th birthday cake, two DVDs of favorite programs, 3 books by favorite authors, a gorgeous card of a delightful cat watercolour print and a little silk pouch with mirror and two Italian classical CDs.
The the same day I received the second of two books written by a former work colleague. He also sends me his drafts for me to proof read.
Yesterday my cleaning lady came, which has been a great help since my operation and I also received a delivery from the McGrath Foundation-the breast cancer charity and support organization here in australia. Great things!
It's also wonderful to have this medium to share experiences and more importantly to make new friends! With everything available to us we live in an amazing age of opportunity. Making use of such things can only enhance our God given journey on earth.