Thursday, November 3, 2011

Things to be thankful for

How lucky I am to have such a wonderful support network of family, friends and organizations. Earlier this week I received a box of many delights from my two sisters: a piece of our mothers 80th birthday cake, two DVDs of favorite programs, 3 books by favorite authors, a gorgeous card of a delightful cat watercolour print and a little silk pouch with mirror and two Italian classical CDs.
The the same day I received the second of two books written by a former work colleague. He also sends me his drafts for me to proof read.
Yesterday my cleaning lady came, which has been a great help since my operation and I also received a delivery from the McGrath Foundation-the breast cancer charity and support organization here in australia. Great things!
It's also wonderful to have this medium to share experiences and more importantly to make new friends! With everything available to us we live in an amazing age of opportunity. Making use of such things can only enhance our God given journey on earth.


  1. How lovely, Kathleen. Almost like Christmas coming early. :-) This kind of support is so important and I'm glad you are receiving it.

  2. Hi Kathleen, I'm afraid I only now found your message about not being able to follow my blog. According to my followers list and the list in your profile of blogs you're following, you ARE following my blog.

    As it happens, Blogger is having some problems at the moment with the whole business of followers and following, as I've found today when trying to start following a new blog.

    I'm subscribed to this comment thread, so if you could let me know by replying to this comment whether you can now follow me, it would be helpful. If you still can't I'll have a think about what to do to make it work. Fingers crossed....
